Sunday, January 18, 2009

Project 365 and Friendship

Spent the morning and part pf last night continuing the sewing on my Project 365 pages. It's going really well and am liking the difference it makes. Gives it more of a style to the page, if that makes sense..

The sewing on the page with invisible thread.

A nother look dividing the journalling and decorative accents.

The whole page as it looks now. if you look at an earlier entry you will see this same page as it was before the changes.

My Title page for Project 365.

Mid morning I went out with my best friend Lauren. Had a lovely day. We started out taking some pics of her belly (really needed to be done since the bub comes on Thursday, last chance) before doing a little shopping at Harbour Town.

Lauren's bump

We then went to the movies to see "Bride Wars". Good movie. Very emotional at times but then again I usually am during movies LOL.

This pic taken in the car on the way home. Last time out together without a bub in tow LOL.. Can't wait to meet her..

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